x-dream-Fabrik DELIVER is made to monetize your content via 3rd party platforms.
DELIVER aggregates media essence files (video, audio, subtitles, pictures) and different types of metadata into an asset package ready for publishing or playout.
Deliver aggregates media essence files (video, audio, subtitles, pictures) and
metadata (short and long description, structural data, rights, pricing, etc.)
to become an asset package that is complete for publishing or playout.
The delivery can happen either immediately or upon request to generic targets or known players according to their specifications.
Deliver consists from the x-dream-Fabrik modules Upload & Archive & Deliver. It can be combined with all source modules like Record, Ingest, ProXchange, with the post-production product Produce and with the output products like Publish and Playout.
Deliver manages and automates the monetization of your Archive content. This can be individual media assets as well as series, seasons and episodes. Firstly, the delivery job is setup what means defining the technical delivery target and the requested essences and metadata to be delivered. Practically this means selecting the languages to be delivered from the archive to the 3rd party system. Afterwards content is simply taken from the archive via drag&drop. An automatism selects the right essence files and metadata to be packaged. Missing essences or metadata are flagged and requested for manual AI supported case handling.
For series with or without seasons or content from sports, news, etc. the assets can be organized in a three-level hierarchy. More levels can be provided on special request. This allows packaging of larger content structures with just one drag&drop action.
Beside the original = master asset any derived editorial version such as directors cut, trailer, or technical versions such as streaming renditions can be delivered.
Language versions, sound tracks, dialogue tracks can be delivered as separate audio essence files along with the video master file as part of the package.
The subtitles in various languages can be delivered as separate subtitle essence files along with the video master file as part of the package.
Various artwork as, for instance, cover picture, series picture, season picture, episode picture, chapter picture, scrubber board, etc. can be automatically reformed and delivered as part of the package.
Various structured metadata like title, genre, categories, sub categories, creation year, release date, age rating, etc. and also unstructured metadata like synopsis, description, directors, actors, filming locations, etc. can be transformed and delivered as part of the package.
To automate cross-media publishing at the target platforms business data e.g. publishing target platforms, content usage rights, business models, pricing, etc. can be delivered as part of the package.
Technical metadata relates to the individual essence files and describes the technical parameters of each individual file, e.g. format, codec, resolution, frame rate, frame mode, bitrates, sampling rates, bit depth, etc. It can be delivered as well.
The control data, e.g. approval, date and time for an automatic publishing / unpublishing, is finally deciding about the publishing and unpublishing to end-customers.
Content Producers
Archive Owners
Content Aggregators
Content Agencies
Platform Operators
Details see: Chained Process
x-dream-Fabrik is available as perpetual, rental, SaaS or fully managed solution license. Independent from the choosen licensing it can be deployed on-premises datacentres, public datacentres, private clouds or public clouds.
For perpetual and rental licensing please make contact to receive a quotation.
The SaaS pricing model of the DELIVER - Base Package is composed from the following elements:
1) In and out-bound data transfer will be measured and invoiced by end of each month.
2) In and out-bound data transfer will be measured. Agreed volume will be invoiced monthly in advance. Additional data transfer will be invoiced by end of each month. Price for additional data transfer is 0.05 €/GByte.
3) In and out-bound data transfer will be measured. When utilizing the agreed bitrate maximum the calculated fee will be invoiced monthly in advance. When utilizing a higher bitrate for more than 5% of the time the additional transfer bitrate will be invoiced by end of each month. Price for additional transfer bitrate is 50.00 €/100 Mbps.
4) Data storage volume will be measured and invoiced by end of each month.
5) Data storage volume will be measured. Agreed volume will be invoiced monthly in advance. Additional data storage volume will be invoiced by end of each month. Price for additional data storage volume is 0.25 €/GByte.
6) Every asset delivery will be measured and invoiced by end of each month.
7) Asset volume will be measured. Agreed volume will be invoiced monthly in advance. Additional asset volume will be invoiced by end of each month. Price for additional asset volume is 1.00 €/asset & target.
For Transcoding and Quality Control prices please see Chained Process Pricing.
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