

Playout is the core operation of any linear broadcaster indepent of whether they transmit via satellite, cable, IPTV, or OTT.Therefore, the playout center is the head of any TV station and most often 24/7 operated. The most reliable and fully redundant systems can be found here.

We provide ready to go products and solutions to our customers. Our video production and playout engine is made for projects that need a playout engine to be integrated. And finally, the generic video production SDK is the choice for those who like to develop solutions themselves.


Playout Solution

Linear Playout happens at the playout center of every broadcaster, either on premises or from a remote data center/cloud. All TV programs consist of pre-produced content that are played as files. Often, pre-produced on-air promotion and sold advertisement surround the program. Many programs are getting even more attractive through live content like news, sports, or shows. And finally, graphic overlays are used for titling, subtitling, advertisement, and real time information. A playout solution has to satisfy all such needs.

Linear Playback is also needed for studio productions to supply pre-produced sources to the gallery video mixer and for feeding background video walls. Thus, it's an important element in operations within production facilities. Again, stability is key for successful productions.


Libero Play by Libero Systems

Playout by x-dream-media


Video Production Engine

Some projects require special solutions for video signal or stream recording, switching, or playback. Combining various standard products may address these needs, but may also lead to an overly complex solution. In other cases, a certain functionality might not be easily available. Then a small but powerful engine driven by a scheduler or workflow orchestrator is the perfect approach for implementing the needs.


Servus Node by x-dream-media


Video Production SDKs

You've decided to develop a solution for your own needs? Or you are developing products for video handling? Then we might have the perfect SDK for you to start with. It addresses topics like file and stream decoding, encoding, audio and video processing, stream receiving and transmitting, SDI recording, and playback.


SDKs and Products by Medialooks

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