

Flow Rooms

Integrated Collaboration Tool

The Developer
Demo Request
Trial Request

The Flow Rooms are the on-board collaboration tool that are extensions of the Flow MAM. The Rooms are fully integrated microsites with their own URL that the Flow System automatically generates. Flow Rooms selected content can be made available to internal and/or external partners individually. The Rooms can be “furnished” with content, functions, rights, and texts selectively. Rooms can be sent to individual users, groups (e.g., a project team), or collections of external recipients. That means the user does not just have one collaboration workflow, but instead has all collaboration workflows.


An overview of the Flow Rooms features:

Features and Variations of Rooms

Upload Roomssend out Room to external upload directly into projects and including metadata and notifications
Download Roomssend out Room to provide external partner with raw materials (for edits, audio, translation, graphics, etc.), automatically provides all formats/qualities to recipient
Approval Roomssend out Room with content to get comments, approvals, time-code based instructions, etc.
Screening Roomsend out content to customers for screeings/reviews/feedback
News Roomssend out selected content and adress recipients individually to target news/sales/marketing messages and start interaction, dialogue
Sales Roomsenable content sales for B2B operations

The Flow Rooms system specifications:

Hardware Requirements

Client system

  • Google Chrome or other browser

Host system

  • Intel Xeon CPU or VM with 8 cores, min 2,9 GHz
  • 16 GByte RAM
  • 512 GByte SSD
  • Nvidia GPU
  • 1 Gbps Ethernet
  • Linux or Windows
  • Flow Core

All FlowWorks related documentation:


The Developer

Flow Works

Flow Works is a Munich-based privately owned company founded in 2005. They have over 15 years of experience with digital media files and their conversions, non-linear editing systems, production and postproduction workflows, broadcast process chains, marketing, delivery, and distributions to VOD platforms and social media networks. Flow Works serves the entire market, meaning all companies and environments that produce, own/manage, and distribute media content. Flow Works is your strategic partner for Media Asset Management (MAM), Production Asset Management (PAM), and Production Management Systems (PMS).

Based in Germany.

Flow Works Logo

The Team

Axel Jerabek

Axel Jerabek

Oliver Meurer

Oliver Meurer

Demo Request
Trial Request

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